
您所在的位置:网站首页 because 的替换词 雅思写作转折替换词:基础替换


2024-06-11 13:29| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  because作为一个高频词妥妥地出现在同学们的口语写作中,也因其强大的情感特征,成为最不好被替换掉的连接词之一。那么如果你确实用腻了because,想找几个替换词换着用该怎么办?所以今天决定把雅思写作中最常见的一种论证方法:因果论证,以及里面可以用到的一些表达汇总一下。  下面的总结分为 4 大类:  基础替换词:比如 since、as、due to 等  从句和句型:比如 which leads to、with 结构等  表达的转述:比如 be responsible for 等  不完全替换:比如 by dint of 等  其中重点推荐第 2 种和第 3 种方式,希望你看完之后会觉得非常实用,以至于下次写到 because 的时候觉得不替换都不舒服。  今天为大家分享33个基础替换词  因为(+从句):because/ since/ as/ for/ for the reason that / now that/ in that  所以(+句子):so/ therefore/ thus/ hence/ as a result/ as a consequence/ consequently/ for this reason/ for all these reasons/ so that/ accordingly/ with the result that  由于(+非句子):due to/ because of/ result from/ owing to/ thanks to/ on account of/ as a result of/ in consequence of  导致(+非句子):lead to/ cause/ contribute to/ result in/ give rise to/ bring about  “因为”的替换种,now that 和 in that 算是比较少见特别的。前者也有“既然”的意思,而后者在牛津词典中的解释就是:for the reason that。  “所以”的替换中,除了 so/ with the result that 之外,其他一般都用在句首更多,并且需要大写首字母,后面加上逗号。accordingly 也有很多时候放在句末,表示“相应地”。  “导致”的意思的表达,都算是动词词组,前后需要加上主语和宾语,都不是句子的形式,而是名词或者名词性的词组、动名词、分词等。  如果想在类似 lead to 或者 due to 后面加一长串完整的句子,我们可以写成 due to the fact that/ lead to the fact that,虽然这样非常啰嗦,但是以凑字数为目的,也是一个选择。  Professionals can sometimes be extremely impatient, for their positions are at times rather stressful.  Many students spend two or more hours playing video games each day. As a result,their grades suffer and they sometimes need to repeat classes.  Technological development has brought about a revolution in the industry.  The erratic fluctuation of market prices is in consequence of an unstable economy.  Now that major change of the kind long called for is underway, it is incumbent on the international community to help ensure success by lending its full support.




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